Welcome to the website of

Morgan Academy Former Pupils’ Association

What are the Objects of the Association?

The objects of the Association shall be to promote the advancement of education of those attending, or living within the catchment area, of Morgan Academy, in addition to, and in enhancement of education provided by the local authority.

How much does it cost to become a member?

It costs £10 per year, payable on 01 April  each year.

What do I get for my subscription?

You get the satisfaction of knowing you are helping in a small way, to give current pupils the opportunity to participate in the types of extra-curricular activities that were taken for granted by many pupils in the past. With all funding from the local authority for activities like Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, cultural exchanges etc. having been stopped, without support from the Association, activities like these, may cease altogether, which would be to the detriment of the current generation of pupils.
You also receive  Newsletters. So that as much of your subscription as possible is circulated back to the school, these are produced and distributed by the Committee largely in their own time and at minimal cost to the Association.

Can I make a donation in addition to my annual subscription?

Of course. The more funds the Association has at its disposal, the more can be passed on to the school, to keep extra-caricatural going.

If you would like to become a member of the Association, please follow the link to the on-line Membership Form…

If you are paying a subscription or making a donation, details of the Association’s bank are account are…

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