School Captains, Joshua Harper and Rachel Miller modelling the hoodies which will be worn by pupils on the Educational visit to US , in October.
Oor Wullie at the Morgan
Perhaps Oor Wullie will join the ladies for lunch on Thursday 14 July at Royal Tay Yacht Club!
AGM 2016
AGM Tuesday 14 June 2016 7pm Drama Studio Our new Head Teacher, Mrs Helen Gray, will be with us, so please show her your support by attending in large numbers.
Inaugural FP Ladies Lunch
On May 3rd the inaugural FP Ladies Lunch took place in the Royal Tay Yacht Club. 40 ladies enjoyed an excellent main meal and coffee/tea for £10. Everyone met up with friends they had not seen for years and the noise of chatter and laughter was a clue that a good afternoon had been had … Continue reading Inaugural FP Ladies Lunch
Old Girls’ Lunch
OLD GIRLS' Lunch Over the past few years many “Old Girls” have indicated that they would appreciate the opportunity to share an informal lunch on a regular basis. Our first Ladies' Lunch will take place at the Royal Tay Yacht Club on Tuesday 3rd May, 12.00 for 12.30. Subsequent lunches will be held on the first … Continue reading Old Girls’ Lunch
MAFPA marked the retiral of Rector Stephen Shaw by making him an Honorary Member of the Association . He was presented with an FP tie at the recent lunch of "Old Boys" in the Royal Tay Yacht Club. The photograph shows Norman Robertson presenting Stephen Shaw with his tie, accompanied by former chairmen of the … Continue reading
Season’s Greetings
Season's Greetings to all who hold Morgan Academy dear to their heart.
Extra General Meeting 25th August at 7pm Drama Studio Please pass this information to any member not connected to the internet.
Kayla Robson
Congratulations, Kayla. Copy the link to find out more. http://www.the
AGM 16 June 7pm Drama Studio.